Case Study

PappayaCloud bring enterprise Public as a Service to India with StackBill.

Pappaya Cloud is an exciting and fast-growing new startup public cloud services provider based in India & UK. The company launched in 2023 as a traditional public cloud service business in two different locations in India, offering alternative services to AWS including migrations.

Today the company has evolved into a full-service public cloud consultancy and enterprise cloud hosting provider for larger enterprises. According to CEO, Domonic Prabhu, this transition was enabled by the partnership with StackBill.

  • stackbill-cmp Uses StackBill CMP to offer alternative service for AWS EC2 including database-as-a-service, migration & Kubernetes-as-a- service for enterprise clients.

  • replace-vmware-workload Replaces VMWare workload with StackBill CMP Infrastructure to centralize management and enable new services after migrations.

  • multiple-regions Now expanding its StackBill-based laas and Paas capabilities into multiple regions in India.

"When we discovered StackBill we were able to consolidate our public cloud offerings using Apache CloudStack with KVM hypervisor Infrastructure, and create a single resource pool with centralized administration on multiple zones. This enabled us to develop our opensource cloud services not just for smaller clients, but for enterprises with more demanding needs-combining Infrastructure as a Service with anything-as-a-service (Xa-as-S)"


Multi-region laas with Xa-as-S

Now PappayaCloud is expanding its Infrastructure and Anything as a Service capabilities with StackBill in its Indian datacenter, enabling customers to choose from datacenters in different Tier-3 & 4 Cities in India. Importantly, StackBill CMP enables a single point of control for multi-region and even multi-cloud deployment.

"Multi-Zone is important for resilience & DR, for example if there is a problem with connectivity in a certain zone," says Domonic Prabhu.

With StackBill, every zone can be managed in the same user-friendly interface. Our customers can also deploy to multiple third party public clouds if they wish - again, managed through a single control plane"

Pappaya Case Study

Simplified cloud management

One of the core things that reduces the support requests on is the ease of use of its StackBill cloud platforms. StackBill Ui/Ux experience cloud management makes life easier not just for but for its customers, too.

"It's easy and complete self service with the StackBill CMP. Provisioning VMs, setting up storage, configuring High Availability-creating Kubernetes Clusters, Configuring DR sites are all streamlines with StackBill with only few clicks which saves our support time. Plus, customers can self-serve a lot of these features too," says Domonic Prabhu. is happy with its StackBill technology build on top of Apache CloudStack technologies, partnership and support, and the company is excited about its future growth with enterprise XaaS and laas services.

"On click provisioning VMs, setting up storage, configuring High Availability-StackBill simplifies these processes and saves us engineering time"

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